Day 209: No Men Beyond This Point (2015)

no menOne day I was at my local Redbox facility and I saw a title of a film that caught my attention to the point that I just had to rent the film. The name of the film is called No Men Beyond This Point and it’s a mockumentary. Think about this scenario for a second and you’ll understand what the film is about. What if we lived in a world where women no longer needed men to be able to reproduce recreating the Virgin Mary effect. In effect because women are able to do this, the male race faces the possibility of extinction. That is exactly the dilemma that the world’s youngest male Andrew (Patrick Gilmore) who is 37 years old faces as he is the last of his kind to have been born. The film follows his struggle every day as his gender faces the idea of extinction. The film also stars Kristine Cofsky (When Life Was Good) as Iris, Tara Pratt (The Red Rooster) as Terra, Morgan Taylor Campbell (Pretty Little Addict) as Dahlia Granger, Rekha Sharma (Aliens Vs Predator: Requiem) as Ajala Bhatt, Enid-Raye Adams (Final Destination 2) as WGC Spokeswoman, Ken Kramer (Littleman) as Gordon Trescott, and the film was directed by Mark Sawers (Camera Shy).

maxresdefault (1)To say the least, the film is a very in depth look into a world that I do not want to live in because sex is not allowed since women can reproduce on their own and men are kept in what they call sanctuaries. The film does offer some interesting insight though because if women ruled the planet, would there be need for armies? Imagine if someone was in a coma for a long time and when they woke up, you sowed them this film, they would star questioning everything. The film does a very good job with setting up various organizations like the WGC,etc. They do an amazing job offering you insight as to why men are disappearing due to the fact that Y chromosome can no longer penetrate the egg. Yeah, as you can see there was a lot that went into this film and it’s very cool. Some may take this film as feminist propaganda, but let’s remember that it was written by a man. Not that it means anything, but I don’t think it was feminist propaganda. I’m so juvenile, but one of my favorite parts in the film was a simple sign towards the end that read “Give Dicks A Chance”. I also loved how the leader of the MLO (it stands for Men’s Liberation something) sounds like a typical guy throughout the film, but at the end he doesn’t seem that crazy anymore. This was a very well written, cleverly funny film that is worth checking out in my opinion. That is why I am going to give the film an A- for a final grade.